
Best Charter School Texas Education

Cyber Bullying on Social Media and How You can Monitor and Protect Your Child 

Technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the last several years.  It is estimated that over 5 billion people worldwide have mobile devices and over half of those are smartphones.  It also seems new Apps and social media platforms pop up quite often.  It can be hard to keep up with all the new […]

Cyber Bullying on Social Media and How You can Monitor and Protect Your Child  Read More »

Best Charter School Texas Education

Uplift Education Implemented Rhithm, Inc’s Application This Year to Determine Students Daily Mental Well-Being

Uplift Education implemented Rhithm, Inc’s application this school year for students. It is an easy-to-use mental health wellness check-in tool that allows educators to proactively shape the culture of a classroom, and school daily during instructional period. In less than three minutes each day, educators have the information to determine how students are mentally, socially,

Uplift Education Implemented Rhithm, Inc’s Application This Year to Determine Students Daily Mental Well-Being Read More »